Your eyes are sensitive. As experienced ophthalmologists, the eye doctors of the Howerton Eye stress the importance of keeping your eyes clean and bacteria-free. If bacteria gets too close to your eyes it can cause problems such as styes, blepharitis, and chalazions.


If the oil gland on your eyelid is blocked by acute infection or inflammation then the oil produced will become congested and form a red bump that protrudes from the wall of the gland. That lump is called a sty. When a sty grows it causes tenderness and burning. By applying warm compresses 4 – 6 times a day, 15 minutes at a time you can help the drainage of the sty and it should go away in about a week. While you have a sty it is vital that use stop using eye makeup, eye creams/lotions, and contact lenses. These products increase the risk of a sty spreading an infection to your cornea.


Blepharitis is an inflammation of the eyelash follicles that is caused by the overgrowth of bacteria that results from too much oil production by the glands near the eyelids. Reoccurring styes can also cause blepharitis. Some symptoms include crusty eyes, red eyes, loss of eyelashes, swollen eyes, itchy eyes, and burning eyes. Blepharitis can be avoided by carefully cleaning your eyelids.


When the oil-producing swear glands inside the skin of your eyelid become blocked they can rupture. This leads to inflammation, which leads to the development of a lump on the eyelid (a chalazion). Chalazions are usually only on the upper eyelids and may cause pain, redness, and a substantial amount of swelling. To reduce swelling use warm compresses for 10 – 15 minutes, 2 – 4 times a day. If the swelling hasn’t gone down after 3 – 4 days, contact your ophthalmologist. You should also immediately reach out to your ophthalmologist if you experience: fever, blurred vision, drainage, headache, swelling of both eyes, extensive swelling and/or redness.

Keep It Clean

To avoid these bacteria-based eye problems keep your eyes as clean as possible. For more information on styes, blepharitis, chalazions, and other eye problems, contact the ophthalmologists at the Howerton Eye today.